Technical Support

Spot On makes every effort to provide helpful technical support in a timely fashion.

In World Group

The Spot On group in Second Life is composed of hundreds of users of these products. The community is strong and friendly, and often able to help out.

Spot On Second Life Group

Spot On makes performance tools for the Second Life Virtual World. Our tools are ideal for stage performers, dance clubs, cheerleaders, modeling agencies and more!

Are you looking for a list of Spot On Performance Tools? Click Here

The Spot On community has many long-time users who gladly help out and group chat is often the first place new users will go to ask a quick question. Many users have experienced personalized service and often that support is instant. Feel free to IM or send a notecard Rug Halberd or Galilla Sinatra with your questions. If we are online, you will receive help in a matter of minutes.